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Traditional Sambal of Surabaya: Sambal Herdi

Diposting pada 19 February 2019 oleh Cak Lutfi | Dilihat: 1.905 kali
sambal khas surabaya

Traditional Sambal of Surabaya

Traditional Sambal of Surabaya

Traditional Sambal of Surabaya – Sambal Herdi MSME is assisted by Surabaya Food and Agriculture Resilience Service. I started running this business since 2015. Previously I worked as a health analyst in the laboratory. But I want to run an independent business without having to work for someone else. The difficulty I have experienced is related to the durability of my product. But by taking part in the training held by the Surabaya Food and Agriculture Resilience Office, I came to understand how to process food products to be more durable even without the use of preservatives. With Dolly Saiki Point functioning as a gallery of MSME products, I feel very helped in terms of sales. Because there are so many guests who visit and shop there, including this Sambal Herdi product. The Surabaya City Government strongly encourages the development of MSMEs to be able to raise their class by assisting them in terms of packaging design and marketing consulting. I hope that the facilities provided by the Surabaya City Government will be able to expand the marketing network of this Sambal Herdi product to outside the city, outside the island and even abroad.


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